Who We Are
Nile Care Advocacy for Peace and Development (NILECAPD) is a non-profit organization fully registered in the Republic of South Sudan. Our humanitarian work is focused on promoting peace and development. We are fully operational in the Republic of South Sudan as well as in Calgary, Canada. Our goal is to bring lasting peace to South Sudan and our core work in Canada is supporting members of the Alberta South Sudanese community who are still experiencing trauma for the South Sudan Conflict to reconcile with each other while finding the support they need to improve their wellbeing and self-sufficiency.
NILECAPD was founded in 2014 in the aftermath of the 2013 civil war that broke out in South Sudan in which tribal violence threatened to spread to the refugees in Egypt. In 2018, NILECAPD received official recognition from government of South Sudan and later on by Alberta, Canada in 2019.
The story of NILECAPD began with a refugee named Bayak Chuol Puoch who envisioned that if community leaders worked together, they could stop their refugee community in Cairo from mirroring the violence erupting in South Sudan. Alongside church and community leaders, he brokered the much-desired peace. This experience gave birth to NILECAPD, an organization dedicated to fostering peace and promoting unity among the South Sudanese people. NILECAPD’s first programming included community meetings where people shared their experiences of guilt and tragedy and received forgiveness and reconciliation.
NILECAPD’s current humanitarian programming in South Sudan focuses on various thematic areas, including Food Security and Livelihoods, Health and Nutrition, Water, Hygiene and Sanitation, Protection and Gender-Based Violence, Education, as well as Peacebuilding and Conflict Mitigation to ensure people of all tribes attain a holistic and sustainable community growth and development. We invite everyone concerned with the future of the South Sudanese to join us in our mission of peace, unity and hope. We firmly believe that we can create a future where all actors reconcile with the past and move forward into an extraordinary future.

Our Mission

Our Vision

Our Values




